Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

There are more than 200 countries in the world, two of which are observers, and 193 are members of the United Nations.

Mexico's refugee agency says the vast majority are men or women travelling alone, but there are also about three thousand unaccompanied children and teenagers. The vast majority, 380 thousand people, are from Venezuela, where economic difficulties have caused people to flee for years.

Then come groups of people from Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador and Haiti, where crime has corrupted societies and drug gangs rule. A sizeable population came from a much longer route, from countries such as China, India, Mauritania and Angola.

According to figures from country officials, more than 2.4 million refugees came through Mexico last year, with or without ID, in search of a better life in the United States. A record was set in December when 10,000 people crossed the border every day, but that number has fallen since both countries began taking measures to stem the flow of people.

Albania News Agency


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