Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

In line with the directive adopted in 2010 to perpetuate the memory of Hasan Balıkçı, a member of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO), an Honorary Award is given every two years with the decision taken by the Selection Committee consisting of the members of the EMO Honorary Board, the Chairman and the Secretary of the EMO Board of Directors.

It was announced that Architect Mücella Yapıcı, who "has uncompromisingly continued her struggle for the protection of democratic rights in line with science, technique and social benefit throughout her professional life", was deemed worthy of the Hasan Balıkçı Honorary Award in the 48th Term of EMO.

The Selection Committee's justification for the award reads as follows:

"Mücella Yapıcı, while practicing her profession, has taken care of environmental values and urban interests, has endeavored to protect cultural and historical heritage, and has taken an active role in the struggles against rent policies. She became one of the symbolic figures of the resistance against the construction of the Artillery Barracks in Gezi Park, was put on trial and was unjustly sentenced to prison. After spending some time in prison, Yapıcı was released last September following a reversal by the Court of Cassation.

Mücella Yapıcı, who has uncompromisingly continued her struggle for the protection of democratic rights in line with science, technique and social benefit throughout her professional life, has been deemed worthy of the EMO Hasan Balıkçı Honor Award."

The Plaque of Honor will be presented to Mücella Yapıcı at the opening of the 49th Ordinary General Assembly of EMO on April 26, 2024.

EMO considers it its duty to pass on to new generations the exemplary personality of Hasan Balıkçı, who tried to do his profession in the public interest against corruption, plunder and all kinds of shady relations throughout his life. The first Hasan Balıkçı Honorary Award was given to Prof. Dr. Onur Hamzaoğlu in 2012 and Prof. Dr. Kayıhan Pala was deemed worthy of the award in 2022.

Albania News Agency


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