Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Dr. Süha Çetin, a Cardiologist at Okan University Hospital in Istanbul, emphasized that despite the presence of a family history of heart and vascular diseases, being male, and older age, there are also important risk factors that can be changed and are easy to manage.

Quit Smoking

Dr. Süha Çetin said that one of the most meaningful steps to take is to quit smoking and stated, " Smoking seriously damages the heart and blood vessels. Additionally, tobacco use lowers oxygen levels in the blood, leading to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, both of which strain the heart. Smoking can cause deadly heart attacks at a young age."

Increase Physical Activity

Dr. Süha Çetin emphasized that physical activity plays an inevitable role nowadays and recommended 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week, including brisk walking. He continued:

"75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week, such as running, is important for health. In addition, light strength exercises should be done two or three times a week. Gardening, household chores, using stairs instead of elevators, or walking the dog are important forms of physical activity."

Eat Healthily

Dr. Süha Çetin emphasized that eating healthily can protect against heart and vascular diseases in many ways. He explained that by paying attention to diet, blood pressure and cholesterol levels can be lowered, and the risk of developing diabetes can be reduced. Çetin explained which foods should be included in a healthy diet:

"Vegetables and fruits, legumes, lean meats and fish, unsalted and unroasted nuts such as almonds and walnuts, olive oil and avocado oil, dairy products, yogurt, eggs should be frequently consumed. Foods that should be avoided or minimized include salty foods and products, sugar and sugary beverages, high-carbohydrate foods (pastries), alcohol, processed foods, and trans fats."

Lose Excess Weight

Dr. Süha Çetin stated, "Having excess weight, especially around the waist, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Body mass index (BMI) indicates whether a person is overweight or not. If the BMI is 25 or higher, the person is considered overweight. In this regard, waist circumference can also be measured. If waist circumference is above 101.6 cm for men and 88.9 cm for women, the person is considered at risk for cardiovascular diseases."

Sleep Regularly

Dr. Süha Çetin explained that insufficient sleep can lead to overweight, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, and depression. "Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep per night. One of the reasons for inadequate sleep is the frequent temporary cessation of breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea). This condition is particularly common in people who snore. Obstructive sleep apnea can lead to cardiovascular diseases and arrhythmias. Losing weight and using a device that maintains open airways (cPAP) can be beneficial for people with sleep apnea," he added.

Avoid Stress

Çetin emphasized that chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure and, consequently, cardiovascular diseases. He concluded his remarks as follows:

"Incorrect stress management, such as overeating, consuming alcohol, or smoking, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The correct way to manage stress should be followed: proper work organization, anticipating and preparing for possible complications, placing regular emphasis on physical activity, and practicing yoga or meditation are of great importance."

Hibya Haber Ajansı Albania News Agency


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