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ARES Shipyard, well known with its robust naval vessels, has revealed a new generation compact corvette solution which will dramatically change the perceptions of conventional warfare towards less or unmanned cutting edge technology in the naval operations theatre.

For countries seeking to safeguard their international rights and interests outside of local law enforcement entities’ responsibilities within their exclusive economic zones or in the international waters, ARES 76 Corvette has proven to be a state-of-the-art option. Navies tend to identify multipurpose, relatively shorter in length, medium-displacement warship platforms due to evolving combat concepts. With its many features, ARES 76 Corvette can easily and compactly meet all of these requirements.

With its basic attributes, ARES 76 Corvette has strong combat power in all three primary types of warfare; however, its payload diversity sets it apart. To guide the payload to the target, high technology sensors are coupled with a compact combat management system (CMS). ASELSAN’s EW (Electronic Warfare) suite can identify and diagnose potential threats and target information that can be electronically detected with the 3D/4D radar, and ASELSAN EOS (Electro-Optic Suit) system can visually identify and diagnose the same information. These valuable data are compatible with Link-16-22 TDL sensors, enabling precise target detection and tactical picture generation. With the ship's lightweight, fully outfitted VTOL UAV, the likelihood of detection and identification is maximized.

ARES 76 Corvette has one (1) MKE A.Ş./Turkey developed 76 mm naval cannon for Naval Gunfire Support (NGFS), four (4) units (optionally eight) ROKETSAN’s proven Atmaca Guided Guided Missiles (250 km range) and two (2) 12.7 mm (RWS) remote weapon stations cater to the Anti Surface Warfare (ASuW) requirements.

One of the main features that sets the ARES 76 Corvette apart from other similar-sized vessels is its payload versatility for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) concept. Four (4) Orka Lightweight Torpedoes and a six-launcher ASW Rocket System from ROKETSAN can eliminate subsea elements and threats identified by METEKSAN's YAKAMOS Hull Mounted/RT sonar solutions. Notable supporting sensors and electronic systems are the XBT Launching System and the Underwater Telephone.

Thanks to its extensive capabilities, ARES 76 Corvette can maintain the highest level of shielding to protect itself or the High Valuable Unit (HVU), and its task group when performing the Anti-Air Warfare mission function. Following a reliable assessment of the data obtained from 3D/4D radar, attacking missiles can be neutralized passively using MKE developed Chaff Decoy systems or aggressively-actively using ASELSAN GÖKSUR PDMS systems. ARES 76 Corvette can deploy and recover various types of ULAQ USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicles) depending on the end user’s concept of operations such as ISR (Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance), ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) or KAMA (Kamikaze).

Corvettes demand a robust and elaborately considered platform architecture in order to accommodate all these advanced weapon systems and sensors. This requirement necessitates the development of cutting-edge design, exceptional seakeeping characteristics and platform capabilities that will be minimally affected by rough seas, and provide first-rate living and working quarters for the crew. To ensure optimum benefit with the least staff requirement, the platform's superiority and electronic capabilities are crucial. Less than 50 (fifty) qualified crew are needed to operate the ARES 76 Corvette, which offers these features with less than half of the crew members on similar-sized warships.

ARES Shipyard CEO, Mr. Utku ALANC made a statement about the new product release as follows:

“We have developed ARES 76 Corvette in response to a solid inquiry received from a confidential ally Navy. Thanks to our immense experience in robust manned and unmanned solutions, this exceptional platform is soon going to be the new game changer in naval operations theatre. With these new generation compact Corvettes, we will change the perceptions of conventional warfare, challenging the existing frigate and corvette solutions, integrating manned and unmanned systems for joint operations, considering life cycle costs with much less crew requirement, combining and collecting multi-disciplinary combat and self-defense systems on a 76m compact platform. It will be a great experience for us to see it on friendly waters soon!”

Albania News Agency


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