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In recent times, cyberattacks, which have shown a significant increase and potential threat, once again underscore the need for secure network architectures that protect businesses of all scales. Artuğ Tikiç, the Country Director of Cybersecurity at Timus, emphasizes that 90% of cybersecurity vulnerabilities are human-generated and states, "Providing effective protection against cyber threats is not as difficult as one might think. After the necessary information technology investments are made, attacks can be significantly reduced through employee training, strong personal-level passwords, and two-factor authentication."

With the proliferation of remote work arrangements and increased use of digital platforms, the number of cyberattacks has significantly risen. These attacks target both companies and individuals and include objectives such as stealing sensitive data, ransom attacks, and information leaks. Timus Cybersecurity, which develops solutions for the cybersecurity needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, sheds light on ways to protect against such attacks during Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Timus, aiming to raise awareness about cybersecurity in Turkey, also launched its social responsibility cybersecurity project for everyone two years ago and has reached over 10,000 people with its training sessions.

Albania News Agency


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