Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

234 days after the June 9 elections, Belgium finally has a new government. Following three days of negotiations at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, the right-wing N-VA, liberals MR, centrists Les Engagés, socialists Vooruit, and Christian Democrats CD&V reached an agreement.

Before De Wever’s meeting with Belgian King Philippe on Friday at 18:00, the parties gathered for a "48-hour negotiation marathon session".

Most thematic discussions (defense, asylum and migration, climate, mobility, governance, and public health) were successfully concluded, but the key issues in De Wever’s famous "super note" on putting Belgium’s budget back on track remained major sticking points.

The so-called "Arizona" parties will now begin convening their party congresses to give final approval to the coalition agreement. Normally, such a congress is just a formality, but a party could still reject the conditions and halt progress.

According to Article 96 of the Belgian Constitution, the official formation of the Federal Government belongs to the King, who must approve the coalition agreement and the new cabinet.

Albania News Agency


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