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The Department of Civil Law, Civil Process and Labor Law has united the best traditions of the oldest departments of the University, which played an important role in the formation of legal education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The history of the department begins in 1938, when the department of Soviet civil law, labor law and civil process was first established as part of the Almaty State Law Institute. Throughout many years the coryphees of law science worked fruitfully at the chair and this tradition continues to this day (

The Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Labor Law plays a key role in the formation of future lawyers and specialists capable of successfully navigating the complex system of legal norms and the ever-changing socio-economic environment. The Department is proud of its outstanding teaching staff, consisting of experienced professors, candidates of sciences, PhDs and practicing lawyers. Their professional experience enriches the educational process, making it more practical and adapted to the current challenges of legal practice and labor market (

The department actively cooperates with the Chamber of Notaries of Almaty, Bar Association, judicial instances, leading law firms, providing students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practice. This contributes to the formation of professional skills and preparation of future specialists to the real challenges of the legal sphere. Representatives of these institutions not only accept our students for practical training, but also read and conduct lectures for students, covering practical issues, thus arousing genuine interest in students.

The Chair encourages research work of students and teachers. This contributes to the creation of innovations in the field of civil law, civil procedure and labor law, as well as promotes the development of scientific knowledge within the legal science. The chair is a graduating department for both students and master's and doctoral students. The faculty members of the chair actively participate in all kinds of competitions, scientific researches and conferences, contributing to the improvement of the level of scientific and pedagogical staff, as well as strengthening the reputation of the chair in the scientific community. The future of legal practice is closely linked to the development of digital technologies. The department strives to integrate the latest technologies into the teaching process, providing students with the necessary skills to work with digital tools and understand their impact on the legal system.

In an era of rapid technological change and the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI), issues of its ethical and legal regulation are becoming increasingly relevant. Each region of the world is seeking to adapt its approach to AI regulation to its own particularities and needs. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly important element of modern society, influencing the economy, education, healthcare, business and many other areas. This raises the need to develop effective methods of legal regulation to ensure the safe and fair use of this technology. In this regard, the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law of Al-Farabi KazNU cooperates and holds international conferences and round tables together with the staff of N.I. Lobachevsky NNGU and directly with the head of the Central Asian Research Center for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence of Sh. Rashidov Filipova I.A. Samarkand State University.

The department actively develops international exchange programs, providing students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a variety of legal systems and cultures, which contributes to the formation of a global vision of their professional future. From 2019 to the present time the Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Labor Law of Al-Farabi KazNU and the University of Wismar - University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design (Wismar, Germany) conducts training on the educational program of double degree Master's degree 7M04218 - Jurisprudence (German and International Commercial Law). Master's students are trained at the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the program of commercial law. The educational programs of both universities are implemented as independent educational programs.

Keeping in view the contemporary challenges such as climate change, gender equality, quality education, etc., the department introduces the Sustainable Development Goals into the classroom. This helps students understand the impact of legal decisions on social justice and the environment. The Department of Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Labor Law, following its traditions, strives for continuous development, adapting to modern challenges. Its mission is to form highly qualified specialists who are able to successfully cope with the complex tasks of the modern legal sphere and contribute to the development of legal science and practice.

Albania News Agency


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