Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Attending the Global Strategies Conference in Defense and Aerospace Industry held in Antalya, CTech General Manager Cüneyd Fırat made a statement to Hibya News Agency.

Emphasizing that communication systems account for the largest share of CTech's activities, which started its business life in 2005 and operates on electronic systems, Cüneyd Fırat said, "Cybersecurity systems, some systems related to aviation electronics, and simulation systems are also included. It's a young but experienced company. It has quite high energy. As we step into our 20th year, we have dozens of products on our shelves for sale."

"We also have a good cooperation with TUSAŞ"

Fırat expressed that when looking at the company's profile, the majority of its work consists of defense and aerospace studies, stating, "The largest share in revenues is there. CTech has been operating as a subsidiary of TUSAŞ for 6 years. We also have a good cooperation with TUSAŞ."

Pointing out that a significant amount of products in the defense sector are also used in the civil field, Cüneyd Fırat said:

"In terms of our own company and fields of work, this ratio is much higher. When we talk about communication technologies, there are many areas of use both in civilian and defense fields. The communication technologies CTech focuses on are technologies and products used especially in critical areas worldwide. In the defense field, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned sea vehicles, unmanned land vehicles, manned defense vehicles, or platforms with special tasks, fixed and mobile platforms fall within the scope of our communication studies."

"The unmanned aerial vehicles of the ANKA series are performing missions with our satellite communication terminals"

Fırat underlined that TUSAŞ's ANKA series unmanned aerial vehicles have been serving with their company's satellite communication terminals for many years, stating, "While performing this mission, they also perform both military and civilian duties. While unmanned aerial vehicles are used for tasks such as fire control, notification, outpost, and detection by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, our satellite terminals provide communication opportunities."

Stating that during the earthquakes on February 6, 2023, the Aksungur unmanned aerial vehicle with the CTech satellite terminal integrated on it facilitated communication with citizens via mobile phones, Fırat said:

"We can increase these. CTech is currently the sole helicopter satellite communication technology and product company in Turkey. One of the very few companies in the world as well. Because the propellers on helicopters interfere with satellite communication. This requires a very special technology. Few companies offer this. In addition to military use, the satellite terminals or other communication products we offer also support the activities of these platforms for civilian duties."

Fırat pointed out that there are many civilian possibilities in the communication field, saying, "Although radio link is predominantly used in the civilian field, it is a product that has a place in various scenarios in military use as well. We offer this to our users. As of last year, CTech initiated a new product area in the radio link field, which we call flight recording system but mostly known as the black box. We started this in the military field, but our intention is to offer this product to civil aviation when we put it on our shelf in the near future."

"Many companies and products in the Turkish defense industry are very suitable for dual use"

Fırat said that many companies and products in the Turkish defense industry are very suitable for dual use and continued:

"This should be evaluated well. Developments confirm this as well. Our product portfolios mostly focus on communication. We have developed some strategies for our contribution. Communication systems are mostly sold together with the platform. We gain access to foreign markets more through the platform. Once we make a sale there, after the network there is established with our systems, we have the opportunity to spread."

"Our company has significant potential abroad"

Fırat stated that they will soon conduct demos of CTech products to their overseas customers together with one of the leading satellite operators in the world, expressing that their company, like many different companies in the Turkish defense industry, has significant potential abroad.

"We develop products in high technology"

Stating that they allocate significant resources for research and development according to their own scales, Fırat said, "We are a medium-sized company. We develop products in high technology. Without technology, it is not possible to sustain these products. Your products need to compete with the competitors of the world both domestically and abroad."

"Game-changing transformations are happening in communication systems"

Fırat emphasized that they are conducting studies on how to use artificial intelligence in their products, stating, "We even joined an international R&D program for this purpose alone. This is an ongoing agenda for us. Game-changing transformations are happening in communication systems. We are planning and working to leap higher in the transformation window we are in."

Albania News Agency


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