Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

The World Walking Day activities aimed to encourage the integration of physical activity into daily life. The walk featured a banner with the words "10,000 steps every day" to emphasize the importance of the day.

Dr. Abdullah Solmaz, the Provincial Health Director of Şanlıurfa, stated regarding the issue, "In today's society, the insufficient knowledge of physical activity, the inadequate understanding of the importance of physical activity for health, and the increasingly sedentary lifestyle have increased the prevalence of chronic problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Physical activity is beneficial for health at every age. It can make a difference in the healthy growth and development of children and young people, in breaking free from bad habits, in socialization, in protection from various chronic diseases, and in their treatment, as well as in enabling the elderly to lead an active life."

Solmaz said, "As the Provincial Health Directorate of Şanlıurfa, we have walked to Göbeklitepe, the zero point of history, in our province as part of World Walking Day. Our goal with this walk is to create awareness for the first steps of a healthy life for future generations. I say to all citizens, from the zero point of history to the peaks of health."

Albania News Agency


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