Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Here are some key lines from Imamoglu's speech:

"Since the last time I shared this process with you, we are now in the final moments of the elections. Currently, we have results for 96% of our system, including various data flows we have acquired with technology in our system."

At this point, we can say that the elections for the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality have now given us the authority for the new term along with the people of Istanbul. Of course, official announcements, district and provincial counts are the primary task. At this time, I can say that the results are out with over a million votes."

Frankly, with around 52 percent of our votes and about a 39.5 percent difference in vote percentage between the rivals, we can describe the difference. What pleases us is the achievement of our ambitious goals at the municipal levels to a great extent. All 14 of our municipalities will continue their work."

Albania News Agency


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