Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

China has reported an increase in the total number of international wetlands to 82 after the identification of 18 new international wetlands.

Yesterday, a report on the implementation of the People's Republic of China Wetland Protection Law was discussed in the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of China.

According to the report, since the law came into effect, 18 new international wetlands have been identified nationwide, bringing the total number of wetlands to 82. In addition, 47 new wetlands are planned at the national level, and the number of wetlands at the provincial level has reached 1,090.

Throughout China, over 600 nature reserves for wetlands have been established, and more than 900 national wetland parks have been built.

It was emphasized that the protection of wetlands enhances biodiversity.

Albania News Agency


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