Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Netanyahu stated that he is heading to Washington for a very important meeting with President Trump, saying, "The fact that President Trump is meeting with a foreign leader for the first time since taking office says a lot."

Netanyahu emphasized that friendship and cooperation have yielded significant results for Israel and the Middle East, adding, "Among these are the historic Abraham Accords, led by President Trump, which resulted in four historic peace agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors."

The Prime Minister noted that the meeting will address crucial issues facing Israel and the region, as well as critical matters:

"The decisions we made in war have already changed the face of the Middle East. Our decisions and the bravery of our soldiers have redrawn the map. But I believe that by working closely with President Trump, we can push this change even further and achieve even better results. I am convinced that we can strengthen security, expand the circle of peace, and reach an extraordinary era of peace."

Albania News Agency


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