Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Ömer Korkut, General Manager of SDT Inc., made statements to the Hibya News Agency during his participation in the Global Strategies in Defense and Aerospace Industry Conference held in Antalya.

Korkut stated that SDT has four main areas of activity, saying, "The first of these is radar electronic warfare and communication systems. Since 2006, we have been developing signal processing algorithms in synthetic aperture radar. We are mostly on the software side of SAR radars. We also implement imaging software for ground stations."


Korkut emphasized that the signal processing algorithms of SAR radars originally developed in Turkey belong to SDT and are used in unmanned aerial vehicles. He said: "Hopefully, these capabilities will also be available in manned aircraft soon. On the other hand, we have datalink activities in the communication field. We provided an internal simulation datalink for South Korea's 5th generation fighter KF21. We aim to sign a mass production agreement with the start of mass production of the KF21."

He also pointed out that another area of their activities is electronic warfare, stating that electronic warfare is quite popular in Turkey at the moment.



Korkut confirmed that they are also active in simulation systems, saying: "They are attached to aircraft in the form of guided missile pods and track the maneuvers of combat aircraft in the air. They also determine whether these maneuvers are correct during engagement."


"We Have Made 40 Pod Deliveries to Pakistan So Far"

Korkut mentioned that they have made 40 pod deliveries to Pakistan so far, saying: "Unlike in Turkey, we succeeded in integrating these pods into CF17 aircraft produced in cooperation with China in Pakistan. We have achieved an important success in this sector by succeeding in Pakistan."

He also stated that they produce light weapon firing training simulators, saying: "We also work in the field of information technologies in simulation systems, and another important area of our activity is satellite ground stations. The software developed by SDT is currently used by the European Agency. We export software to countries producing technology like Italy in the West."

Korkut emphasized that they have achieved the goal of nationalizing and domestically producing data recording systems, which represents the founding philosophy of SDT.



Korkut pointed out that Turkey has attached great importance to natural gas and oil exploration activities in recent times, saying: "They devote serious resources, and we are pleased to start getting results. There is seismic data processing software used on gas exploration ships highly known to the Turkish Petroleum Corporation. This software was originally foreign. In 2021, TPA issued a tender on this subject. We were invited to participate in this tender and we did. Thanks to competition, we won a contract to implement this software locally and domestically. The second phase of our contract is nearing completion. We continue our activities to successfully introduce a new product in the field of energy to Turkey."

Albania News Agency


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