Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Bettel, who worked with Trump during his first term, said: "If you're weak, he will eat you. And if you don't negotiate, he will crush you. His appetite for Europe is decreasing. How should we act towards him? Let's be strong, but united. Saying 'America First' doesn't mean America has to be alone, because America also needs partners."

He added that any trade war would hit MAGA voters with high prices. "I didn't think that was his goal," he said.

With a humorous tone, he emphasized the need to negotiate with the new U.S. administration: "It's like a wedding. I was a mayor before I became Prime Minister, I officiated many weddings. I was also a lawyer and handled many divorces. The most important thing is to talk when there's a problem... discuss it, sit at the table."

Albania News Agency


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