Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

MİDLAS, having successfully passed the test, completed the sea acceptance tests, marking a significant milestone.

Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün, President of Defense Industry, stated that they continue to reduce the dependence on foreign sources and meet the critical needs of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) with local and national solutions.

Görgün explained that they have achieved another significant milestone in the Vertical Launch System Supply Project for the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Ships of MİLGEM within the scope of the needs of the Naval Forces Command, where the first national frigate of Turkey, TCG Istanbul, was integrated with MİDLAS and successfully fired the HİSAR-D RF missile. He added that with this test, the national resources were once again multiplied, and a high level of quality and confidence was achieved in the system.

Another significant achievement in the conducted firing tests was the successful firing of the HİSAR-D RF missile through all war management and radar/sensor and fire control systems integrated on board the frigate TCG Istanbul.

Also, the safe separation test of the HİSAR-D RF missile from TCG Istanbul was successfully completed.

Albania News Agency


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