Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Hakan Fidan, attended the Summit of the Future held on the sidelines of the 79th United Nations General Assembly in New York.

In his speech, Minister Fidan emphasized the UN's inability to find solutions to global problems, stressing the need for an effective structure that would replace despair with hope, poverty with prosperity, injustice with justice, and violence with peace.

Minister Fidan highlighted that the UN and the international community are undergoing a historic test: "Our capacity to solve crises is diminishing. Increasing injustice and inequality are creating a fertile ground for the rise of extremism and dangerous currents. The UN is failing to provide the necessary leadership in the face of growing threats to humanity, and decisions adopted by an overwhelming majority in the General Assembly cannot be implemented due to the obstacles posed by the Security Council."

Minister Fidan added: "The decision-making processes in the UN must be democratized, and international peace and security should not be left to the discretion of a small privileged group of countries. We need to intensify our efforts to adapt to new technologies such as digitalization and artificial intelligence. We attach great importance to the adoption of the 'Global Digital Compact,' which is one of the key elements of the 'Pact for the Future.' The success of today's Summit of the Future will affirm our determination to rebuild trust in the multilateral system."

Albania News Agency


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