Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

According to a Norstat poll commissioned by Norwegian broadcaster NRK, 52 percent of those surveyed would vote no to Norway's EU membership if a referendum on the EU were held tomorrow.

Former Norwegian Prime Minister and Högre Leader Erna Solberg used part of her speech at a national meeting last weekend to revive Norway's EU debate. She said that the relationship between Norway and the EU is becoming increasingly important and that Norway should become a member.

"Norway's place in Europe is on the table. With our closest friends. With other democracies.

Erna Solberg was supported by Ine Eriksen Søreide, the party's foreign policy spokesperson. "Incredible things have happened in the world and in the EU, which means we have to rethink how to protect Norway's interests," said Ine Eriksen Søreide.

In contrast, both the Center Party and the Progress Party are no longer interested in a new EU struggle. SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum fears that a strong Høgre would lead to a new round on the EU after the next parliamentary elections in 2025.

In the field of security, both he and his parliamentary representative Hans Andreas Limi (Frp) oppose EU membership, pointing out that important allies such as the US and Great Britain are also not EU members.

Albania News Agency


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