Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

One of the key topics was providing support to citizens and businesses.

The main focus of the meeting was financial stability and discipline. President Zelensky instructed the government to address trade imbalances between imports and exports.

Emphasizing the need to create more opportunities for local production and support all economic activities, Zelensky stated: "Just as we attract foreign investment in weapons production, government officials should work to secure investments in other industries."

The meeting also covered the creation of safe conditions for economic activities, including humanitarian demining, clearing agricultural lands of mines, and strengthening air defense for Ukrainian cities with the involvement of European partners.

The Head of the State Tax Service, Ruslan Kravchenko, and the Head of the State Financial Monitoring Service, Filip Pronin, presented a report on financial transparency in the country. Their reports highlighted efforts to shut down shadow financial schemes previously used by oligarchs, officials, and lawmakers to conceal funds.

Zelensky also announced that NSDC had approved new sanctions: "All relevant materials have already been handed over to law enforcement agencies. Investigations must be objective—regardless of who violated the law. The sanctions lists will be published soon, followed by several strict sanction packages."

Albania News Agency


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