Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Turkey's solar power capacity, which was 6.7 gigawatts at the end of 2020 in renewable energy investments, according to London-based Ember data, reached 12.2 gigawatts. According to Turkey's national energy plan, this figure is expected to increase to 52.9 gigawatts by 2035.

In this context, investments in solar energy power plants (GES) continue unabated. ORGE Enerji Elektrik Taahhüt A.Ş., one of the leading players in the electrical contracting sector that initiated investments in renewable energy last year, installed 10 megawatts of solar panels on roofs in the past year. Starting ambitiously in 2024, ORGE's goal is to install 50 megawatts annually initially on land and rooftops. The company aims to become one of the most ambitious players in the renewable energy sector.

Sun to grow 5 times

ORGE Renewable Energy President Mehmet Tahir Özsoy noted that Turkey has made a significant breakthrough in renewable energy, saying, "We are ranked 5th in the world in panel production. This is also Europe's largest production capacity."

Özsoy pointed out the installation of solar power plants ranging from 1.5 to 2 gigawatts annually in Turkey, saying, "It is seen that the installed solar energy capacity reached 12.2 gigawatts by the end of 2023. However, the target for 2035 is 52.9 gigawatts. So, approximately 5 times growth is planned."

He emphasized the huge opportunities for the sector and said, "In 2024, the potential for rooftop solar power plants in the domestic market is estimated to be 2,000 megawatts. Now, besides retroactively installed GES on the roofs of existing facilities, roofs of new facilities are designed with solar systems in mind. Panel prices, technological advancements, and installation ease are reducing installation costs."

Target for 2024 is 50 megawatts

Mehmet Tahir Özsoy stated that they started their operations in the renewable energy sector in 2023.

Özsoy stated that ORGE has a 26-year experience in the energy sector and said, "This creates serious trust in ORGE. In this regard, we quickly entered this sector, starting our investments last year, and installed 10 megawatts of solar panels on roofs in one year."

He added that they plan to install 50 megawatts of solar power plants both on rooftops and on land by 2024 and noted that industrial rooftop solar power plants, in particular, stand out in this regard.

Özsoy underscored that the cost of rooftop solar systems is much more economical compared to land installations, saying, "Because in land solar investments, there are land costs. Also, there are costs for power transmission lines and medium voltage. The payback period for a 1 megawatt rooftop solar investment is 3-4 years, while this period can go up to 6 years for land installations."

45% of electricity can be provided from the roof

Özsoy stated that installed rooftop solar power capacity can play a significant role in Turkey's energy transformation.

According to a report by London-based organization Ember, Turkey's rooftop solar energy potential is determined to be at least 120 gigawatts, which could produce 148 terawatt-hours of electricity annually, covering 45% of Turkey's total electricity consumption in 2022. Özsoy announced that this is a very serious figure.

Incentive loans should be provided

Mehmet Tahir Özsoy noted that such a study would make a huge contribution to Turkey's energy transformation, saying, "I can say that one of the biggest obstacles is accessing financing or green financing. We are talking about accessing cheap and long-term investment financing. KOSGEB provides such opportunities for SMEs. This is definitely one of the most important steps that should be taken to extend this program to all enterprises. Another issue is transformer capacities. Two weeks ago, the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources announced a new capacity of 7,500 megawatts. It is very important how quickly and where this capacity is planned."

Correct engineering services

Özsoy noted that ORGE is a major engineering company, saying, "So this allows us to provide corporate clients with optimal, correct, and safe solutions. Since your investment will continue to produce electricity for 25 years, we use good brands. Among them are products with a performance life of up to 30 years."

He added that the investment will continue to produce electricity for 25-30 years and emphasized, "For such an investment, correct consultancy and correct guidance are necessary. We don't say 'we'll do whatever it takes' during the inspection. If the roof is not suitable, we inform our client about it and tell them what they need to do. Because this is a 25-year investment. We work for them to see it as a long-term investment and plan their investment plan accordingly. So, we also provide consultancy services."

Albania News Agency


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