Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Ukrainian State Border Guard spokesperson Andrii Demchenko told national television that Russian forces were attempting to advance around the village of Novenke and cut supply lines.

Demchenko said, "These are small assault units consisting of a few soldiers. They are trying to enter our territory, consolidate their positions, and possibly cut logistical routes while advancing into Ukraine."

The Russian operation suggests that Moscow does not intend to halt its counteroffensive on the national border if it manages to recapture the remaining Ukrainian pocket near the village of Sudzha.

Since Kyiv’s surprise attack seized about 1,000 square kilometers of Russian territory, Moscow has been trying to drive Ukrainian forces out. However, a group of experts has noted a significant increase in the success rate of these operations over the past few days.

Albania News Agency


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