Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez stated that the Spanish government will stand by farmers, livestock breeders, companies, and workers against the threat of tariffs.

Sanchez stressed that Europe's interests are Spain's interests, adding: "Meanwhile, the right-wing and far-right remain silent. Their slogan is 'Everything for money'."

He emphasized that being a socialist means standing on the right side of history:

"Social democracy is more necessary than ever. Here and now. It existed in the past, it exists now, and it will exist in the future. We demand that Alberto Nunez Feijoo and the People's Party break ties with the far-right and their international network, who serve as Europe's Trojan horse. They must revoke all agreements with those who seek to dismantle Europe from within. Today, we need Europe more than ever."

Albania News Agency


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