Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Gazprom emphasized that after the transit agreement ended, it lost the technical and legal capability to supply fuel through this route and stopped gas pumping via Ukraine as of January 1 at 08:00.

Kiev authorities have repeatedly stated that they will not extend this agreement even if third countries wish to buy gas.

In the Netherlands, the fill level of gas storage facilities was 0.3% below the set level as of January 29.

In France, the difference between the required and actually injected gas volume was 3.4%.

Croatia’s natural gas storage facilities are currently 8.2% below capacity, meaning authorities will have to start pumping gas immediately after February 1.

Considering that the market price of gas is $555-560 per thousand cubic meters, this shortfall could cost Zagreb around $21 million.

Albania News Agency


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