Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Kıralı stated in an interview with HIBYA that there has been a significant increase in wheat cultivation in the grain sector this year, and they expect a fruitful harvest season similar to last year.

He apologized for not having many comments about the vegetable market as they are not traded on the exchange, but he said, "But in the grain market, there is a significant shift at least from corn to wheat. Currently, the rainfall is also very good, so we expect a good harvest season."

Regarding the expected changes in the import of these products this year, Kıralı answered as follows:

"Sometimes wheat imports can be misunderstood. In fact, Turkey can already produce wheat in quantities sufficient for its domestic consumption. Imports are made because the raw materials needed for the export of flour and flour products, in particular, are imported from abroad. Of course, production can be increased from additional domestic sources as well. In fact, the country is capable of meeting its consumption needs internally, but imports are made for the conversion of exports. I believe this will continue this year as well. Of course, the biggest risk here is the tension in the Middle East, where our main export markets are located. If tension in Palestine continues to escalate, it could have a significant impact on us."

Regarding the Electronic Product Certificate (ELÜS) Market of TÜRİB, Kıralı talked about a 262% increase in trading volume in 2022 and mentioned that they expect a 23% growth in 2023:

"When we look at the increase in trading volume, we also need to consider the price per ton. One of the main reasons for the significant increase in 2022 is the substantial increase in inflation in the country. We are also significantly increasing the trading volume in terms of tonnage. Since 2019, licensed warehouse capacity has increased by 2.5 times. Last year, the main reason for the more modest increase in trading volume compared to 2022 is mainly the intervention of the Turkish Food Agency (TMO). In 2022, TMO made significant purchases after the war and due to possible drought last year, and now they are seriously regulating the market by pressing the price from above and preventing it from going up. The main reason for the decrease here is that. I do not expect significant changes in prices until mid-next year. There may be a slight increase in prices in the second half of the year."

Kıralı also explained that they will continue to support transportation and rental for agricultural product producers who use licensed warehouses as a means of storage, saying, "Of course, we do not do this as TÜRİB, this support is provided through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Trade. But I can say that this support will continue."

Albania News Agency


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