Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Housing and rent expenditures had the highest share in household expenditures for consumption purposes at 23.9 per cent, transport expenditures at 21.9 per cent, and food and non-alcoholic beverages at 20.6 per cent.

The groups with the lowest shares in total expenditures were insurance and financial services at 0.8 percent, education expenditures at 1 percent and recreation, sport and culture expenditures at 1.9 percent.

Consumption expenditure per equivalent adult is obtained by considering household size and composition to make consumption expenditures of households comparable. The monthly average consumption expenditure was estimated as 24 thousand 383 TL per household and 12 thousand 521 TL per equivalent person.

While households whose primary source of income was wages and salaries allocated 22.8 percent share for transport, 22.2 percent for housing and rent, 18.9 percent for food and non-alcoholic beverages, households whose main source of income was entrepreneurial income allocated 27.3 percent share for transport, 19.7 percent for housing and rent, 19.5 percent for food and non-alcoholic beverages.

When looking at the distribution of consumption expenditures by quintiles ordered by income in 2023, it was observed that the share of food and non-alcoholic beverages expenditures was 36.6 percent, housing and rent was 29.2 percent, transport expenditures was 8.8 percent, furniture and houses appliances expenditures was 5.4 percent for households in the first quintile (the lowest quintile).

The share of transport expenditures was 28.3 percent, housing and rent expenses were 21 percent, food and non-alcoholic beverages were 14.5 percent, and restaurants and accommodation services were 6.9 percent for households in the fifth quintile (the highest quintile).

Considering the distribution of consumption expenditures by household size in 2023, one-person households allocated 31.8 percent to housing and rent expenditures, 18.7 percent to transport expenditures and 16.3 percent to food and non-alcoholic beverage expenditures.

Households with a household size of 7 or more allocated a share of 30.2 percent to food and non-alcoholic beverage expenditures, 19.9 percent to housing and rent expenditures and 14.9 percent to transport spending.

Albania News Agency


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