Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

This is a prerequisite for lasting peace in Palestine and the entire Middle East, starting with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and no further military attacks on Rafah.

A two-state solution remains the only internationally recognized path to peace and security for both Palestine and Israel and a way out of generations of cycles of violence and resentment.

The call comes less than a week after Spain, Ireland, and Norway formally recognized a Palestinian state, angering Israel, which has become increasingly isolated in its war on Gaza.

The three European governments said the move was intended to support a two-state solution and promote peace in the Middle East. They hope the decision will encourage other EU countries to follow suit. The Danish parliament later rejected a proposal to recognize a Palestinian state.

Israel has repeatedly condemned moves to recognize a Palestinian state, saying it supports the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007.


Albania News Agency


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