Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Ukrainian President Zelensky stated that Ukrainian soldiers captured North Korean military personnel in the Kursk region, adding: "Two soldiers were wounded but survived and were transferred to Kyiv, where they are currently in contact with the Security Service of Ukraine."

Zelensky expressed his gratitude to the soldiers of the 84th Tactical Group of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the paratroopers for capturing the North Korean soldiers, stating:

"Like all prisoners of war, these two North Korean soldiers are provided with the necessary medical assistance. I have instructed the Security Service of Ukraine to allow journalists access to these detainees. The world needs to know the truth about what is happening."

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha also noted that the first North Korean prisoners of war are in Kyiv, stating: "They are not mercenaries but regular DPRK troops who engaged in an aggressive war against a European country. The security of Europe and the Indo-Pacific are directly connected. We need maximum pressure on the regimes in Moscow and Pyongyang."

Albania News Agency


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