Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong stated that they are working with the Pacific Islands Forum to address the most urgent issues in the region, such as climate change, regional security, and economic growth.

Wong highlighted that Australia and New Zealand have invested in the Pacific Humanitarian Storage Program, adding:

"This program supports the storage and management of humanitarian supplies needed during the critical first 48 hours following an emergency. Australia contributes to building digital infrastructure and enhancing resilience against cyber threats by investing in the modernization of equipment and modern cybersecurity systems."

Australian Foreign Minister Wong also emphasized support for maritime initiatives, such as Pacific-led fisheries monitoring, stating: "Australia’s Ambassador for First Peoples, Justin Mohamed, joined me at the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum. This participation allowed us to highlight the perspectives of First Peoples and strengthen our ties with the Pacific Islands Forum family."

Albania News Agency


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