Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

In an announcement released during the 74th International Space Congress organized by CNSA yesterday, it was noted that China's Moon exploration project will adhere to principles of equality, mutual benefit, peaceful use, and win-win cooperation, offering cooperation opportunities to the international community.

The announcement also invited all countries and international organizations to participate in the Chang'e-8 mission, conducting collaborative efforts and original scientific discoveries together.

Intent letters for the international collaboration project related to the Chang'e-8 mission can be submitted until December 31, 2023. Preliminary selection is expected to be completed in April 2024, with the final selection anticipated in September.

As part of the Moon exploration project, it is planned that the Chang'e-8 spacecraft will be launched around the year 2028.

The mission includes the identification and exploration of the Moon's multiple physical states and regional geological profiles, observations and research of the Moon from Earth, analysis of Moon samples and resources, as well as experiments and studies on small-scale lunar ecosystems and surface investigations.

Furthermore, Chang'e-8, along with Chang'e-7, is expected to lay the foundation for a scientific research station on the Moon.

Albania News Agency


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