Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Moreover, this indicator has reached a record level since the beginning of calculations in 2002, increasing by 3.8 years since then.

Among EU countries, the highest life expectancy is expected in Madrid and its surroundings at 86.1 years, in Italy’s Trento province, and Finland’s Åland Islands at 85.1 years. The lowest rates were recorded in three regions of Bulgaria, ranging from 73.9 to 75.2 years, as well as in Northern Hungary and the French overseas territory of Mayotte at 74.9 years.

In the European Union, the average life expectancy for men increased by 0.8 years in 2023, reaching 78.7 years, while for women, it increased by 0.7 years, reaching 84 years. The smallest gender differences were recorded in the Netherlands (3 years), Sweden, and Luxembourg (3.3 years).

Albania News Agency


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