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Experts predict the increase in green energy production will continue in the coming years.

According to a new report by Ember, a think tank that collects data on green energy production, based on data from 215 countries, renewable energy accounted for 30 percent of the world's energy production last year, the highest it has ever been.

Ember's report says this result mainly results from solar and wind power generation growth. However, droughts in many places have led to a decline in hydropower generation, which has had to be solved, for example, by burning coal.

Ember predicts that 2023 will be the start of continued growth in green energy production. With this continued increase, they believe it will be possible to meet the international targets set at last year's COP28 climate conference to triple green energy production by 2030.

However, energy experts say many obstacles must be overcome to achieve these targets.



Albania News Agency


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