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Orban announced that they held the first EU summit in Brussels since Trump took office.

He described the meeting as "strange" and added: "Everyone in Brussels sees the Trump hurricane approaching, but most still think they can escape it. They won't."

Orban emphasized that in just 14 days, Trump has shaken the world with a few decisions:

"The gender madness in America has ended, funding for Soros’ globalist organizations has been cut, illegal migration has been stopped, and support for the Russia-Ukraine war has ended. Everything that Brussels bureaucrats have tried to impose on us in recent years is now behind us."

Orban also stated that the world may say goodbye to traditional global trade rules: "President Trump will defend American interests, even against Europe. The European Union will face a tough period in the coming months, and it won’t be easy for the bureaucrats in Brussels."

He concluded: "We always knew that President Trump would return, so we were prepared. We are in constant negotiations and will make a good deal with the new U.S. administration."

Albania News Agency


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