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While the popularity of music trend lists published by popular music streaming platforms remains constant every year, this time a study was conducted on the listening habits of Turkey for foreign language music. Preply, an online language learning platform that brings together more than 32,000 instructors for learning over 50 languages, including online English courses, online German courses, online French courses, and more, has shed light on the habits of Turkish citizens when it comes to listening to foreign music. The study titled "Research on Turkey's Listening Habits for Foreign Music," conducted by Preply, shows that after Turkish music, English songs are the most listened to in Turkey.

Out of 10 foreign songs, 9 of them are in English

The research conducted by Preply shows that 92% of the most popular foreign songs are in English. Despite the dominance of English, the Korean language quickly takes second place. Preply continues to provide online solutions, including online Korean courses, online English courses, online French courses, and more, by continuing to understand the daily habits of language learners.

Social media trends also bring popularity to languages

In the study, among the approximately 2,000 foreign songs examined, languages such as Spanish, French, Hindi, Albanian, Arabic, Dutch, and others entered the list. It is seen that Turkey's most listened to foreign songs are produced in a total of 13 languages. Turkish listeners are willing to listen to universal notes even if they do not understand the lyrics.

The most popular foreign singers in Turkey have been identified

Preply ranks the most popular foreign songs, with many songs on the lists. Among the artists who have managed to enter these lists, The Weeknd ranks first with 55 songs. Following him is Ariana Grande. In third place, there is BTS from South Korea, who became the third most popular foreign artist in Turkey with 47 songs. Global data shows that Turkish listeners also follow global trends, showing interest in artists like The Weeknd and Ariana Grande.

"Listening to music contributes to learning foreign languages"

Part of the research conducted by Preply includes scientific findings about the effect of listening to foreign language music on the process of learning foreign languages. Listening to foreign language music helps strengthen memory, introduce correct pronunciation, and improve listening skills through repetitive melodies.

Albania News Agency


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