Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

In October, he was informed that his temporary residence permit would be revoked because he was deemed to have provided false information in his application.

Momika appealed the decision, but has now been denied his last opportunity for reconsideration.

"The decision of the Migration Appeals Court not to grant permission to appeal means that the Immigration Office's decision to deport Salwan Momika has legal validity," said Chamber lawyer Peder Liljeqvist in a press release.

Earlier today, Expressen newspaper reported that Momika was about to leave Sweden for the neighboring country.

"I am leaving for Norway, Sweden only accepts terrorists who have been granted asylum and protection, while philosophers and thinkers are deported," Momika said.

Some of these have led to riots and unrest. Films of the protests have also spread around the world, sparking outrage and criticism in some Muslim countries, forcing Sweden to raise its terror threat level.

Albania News Agency


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