Ukraine: Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians mobilized against Russia's war
Kyiv, March 14 (Hibya) – The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a message on the occasion of Ukraine’s Military Volunteers Day on March 14.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a message on the occasion of Ukraine’s Military Volunteers Day on March 14.
The message emphasized that the volunteer movement is one of the defining aspects of Ukrainian society:
"On March 14, we honor Ukraine’s Military Volunteers Day. This day was established to pay tribute to the brave men and women who, in 2014, formed the first volunteer battalions to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty. Among Ukraine’s military volunteers are people of different ages, professions, and educational backgrounds who made this decision despite having no prior military experience. In the face of Russia’s war of aggression, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians mobilized to defend their country. Their sacrifice continues to shape Ukraine’s future."
Albania News Agency