Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Following revelations that she pardoned an individual who attempted to cover up numerous sexual crimes against children at an orphanage, it has been learned that Hungarian President will resign following intense protests that began on Friday.

Since the announcement of the pardon on Friday, thousands of people have protested in Budapest demanding President Novak's resignation. The pardoned individual was a deputy director of an orphanage and was found guilty of attempting to cover up sexual abuse of children in the orphanage. It is stated that these abuses were committed by the director of the orphanage, who had previously been convicted of ten cases of rape between 2004 and 2016.

The reason why this individual was pardoned has not been disclosed in accordance with Hungarian laws.

Katalin Novak previously served as the family minister in Viktor Orbán's government and remains a close ally of the prime minister and some other top-level leaders of the ruling Fidesz party.

Albania News Agency


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