Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

UNRWA Commissioner-General Lazzarini said that earlier this week, Israeli authorities issued new orders to evacuate people in the southern areas of Khan Yunis and Rafah, displacing hundreds of thousands from their homes.

Lazzarini noted that these evacuation orders are the most significant issued since October and affect about a quarter of a million people, many of whom have been displaced multiple times: "People have nowhere to go. They are desperately searching for safety and often build makeshift shelters among the rubble of bombed buildings. The risk of unexploded ordnance (UXO) is spreading."

Last week, a nine-year-old girl died due to UXO in Khan Yunis, and six more children were injured, Lazzarini said. "No delay, the long-awaited ceasefire is needed now," he said.

Albania News Agency


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