Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

After assuming the presidency of the European Council and promising to "make Europe great again," Orban visited Ukraine last week and then went to Russia, sparking anger in Kyiv and Brussels.

According to a Politico report, citing an unidentified EU diplomat on Monday evening, "such a meeting could end the presidency before it even begins."

The diplomat added: "Member states were already unhappy with the 'MEGA' slogan. However, a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin would permanently overshadow Hungary's presidency."

Another diplomat, who wished to remain anonymous, noted a "very clear political disapproval" of Orban in Brussels, and ambassadors are "now discussing what exactly to do on Wednesday."

Daniel Hegedus, a senior researcher at the German Marshall Fund, argues that the EU could "get rid of Hungary's presidency within weeks." Hegedus suggested that Brussels could shorten Hungary's term by starting Poland's presidency on September 1.

This requires a four-fifths majority in the European Council.

Orban rejected criticism that he does not have the authority to represent the EU, saying that peace missions are not classic negotiations and, therefore, do not require authority.

In a national radio broadcast last Friday, the Hungarian leader said that the great powers could end the conflict, but Hungary could be a "good tool in God's hands" to promote peace.

Hungary has long been one of the few EU member states criticising the bloc's unconditional support for Ukraine and calling on Brussels to push for peace instead.

Budapest blocked plans to finance arms purchases for Kyiv, refused to participate in the Ukrainian troop training program, and banned the transit of arms and equipment through its territory to Ukraine.

Albania News Agency


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