Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

AK Party Deputy Chairman Zafer Sırakaya announced that the Chinese are eager to create a production mechanism with TOGG and announced the start of negotiations between the Chinese company Guangzhou Automobile Group and TOGG.

AK Party Deputy Chairman and Head of Foreign Relations Zafer Sırakaya stated that China's Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC) is negotiating with TOGG for joint electric vehicle production. In this context, officials are expected to visit TOGG in July.

Guangzhou Automobile Group, founded in 1955, is a China-based automobile company that primarily produces cars and buses. GAC Group manufactures and sells vehicles under its brands, such as Trumpchi, Aion, and Hycan, as well as under joint ventures with foreign brands, such as GAC-Toyota, GAC-Honda, GAC-FCA (Jeep), and GAC-Mitsubishi. As of 2021, GAC Group is China's fifth largest automobile manufacturer, with sales of 2 million 144 thousand units.


Albania News Agency


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