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A four-year-old child who accidentally knocked over and shattered a Bronze Age jar was re-admitted to the Hecht Museum in Haifa, Israel, a week after the unfortunate incident.

Anna Geller, a mother of three from the town of Nahariya in northern Israel, said: "It was just a moment of inattention. And suddenly I heard a very loud breaking sound behind me."

The Bronze Age jar that Ariel broke last week had been on display at the Hecht Museum in Haifa for 35 years. It was one of the few vessels of this size, and it remained intact when discovered. It was probably used to store wine or oil and dates back to between 2200 and 1500 BC.

The family returned to the museum on Friday. Ariel donated his own clay vase to the museum and met with the staff and curators who showed great generosity.

The museum's restoration expert, Roee Shafir, said the repairs would be fairly simple, as the pieces all come from a single jar. Archaeologists often face more complex tasks when they have to sort pieces from multiple objects and try to piece them together.

Albania News Agency


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