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Samsung Electronics' largest labour union announced on Wednesday that their ongoing strike has been extended indefinitely, claiming that their collective action could cause potential disruptions to production at one of the world's leading chip manufacturing plants.

The announcement followed a three-day strike that ended without any intervention from management.
"We are announcing a second round of strikes for an indefinite period as we have confirmed that management does not have the will to talk to us after the first round," the National Samsung Electronics Union said in a statement on Wednesday.

The union held its first three-day strike on Monday, demanding a pay hike and bonuses. It initially planned to hold a second round on 15 July but decided to go on strike indefinitely.

The union claimed that more than 6,000 of its members had expressed their willingness to join the strike. Of the total, more than 5,000 would come from the critical semiconductor division.

Several rounds of talks since January have failed to resolve differences, with the union demanding a one-day holiday for all employees and significant salary increases for the 855 members who did not sign the 2024 salary negotiation agreement. The union also demands more paid holidays, one day off for all employees and compensation for economic losses incurred during unpaid strikes.

The union claims to represent 31,000 members or about 24 per cent of Samsung Electronics' total workforce of about 125,000. Collective action will inevitably cause disruptions in production, the union said, adding that although semiconductor factories operate with automated systems, they require manpower for equipment and quality inspection.

Albania News Agency


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