Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Ahmet Yener, the President of the Supreme Board of Elections (SBE), made a statement after the voting process ended:

"Dear press members, the voting process of 61 million 441 thousand 882 voters in 207 thousand 848 ballot boxes, in which 34 political parties competed throughout the country, was completed without any problems except for some isolated incidents. We wish those injured due to these incidents a speedy recovery. I wish God's mercy to our citizens who lost their lives and condolences to their relatives.

Ballot box result information, for which counting and casting procedures have been completed, has started to be entered into the Election Information System, and data flow continues. The SBE shares all data entries with our political parties. At the same time, representatives of our political parties will continue to monitor the election results instantly on the screen prepared within the institution.

I wish the General Elections of Local Authorities held in our country on 31 March 2024 to benefit our nation. Regarding the broadcast ban, the voting process is over. Counting and casting processes have started. The board will meet soon to evaluate this situation."


Albania News Agency


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