Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

According to Mkrtchyan, the situation is unlikely to improve until political protests calm down.

The decline in demand for tours to Istanbul compared to last year was also noted by ATOR’s Deputy President for outbound tourism, Artur Muradyan.

Muradyan said: “We are seeing a slight slowdown in demand for Istanbul – about 5–10% compared to last year. At the same time, other resorts in Turkey like Antalya, Marmaris, and Bodrum have not yet felt the impact.”

Meanwhile, Svetlana Fomenko, head of the Novosibirsk Tourism Organizations Association, reported that tourist areas are currently calm.

She noted that tourists planning to travel to Turkey are being warned about the current situation and are advised to be cautious. “They are warned not to enter crowded areas out of curiosity and not to neglect safety.” However, it is extremely difficult to predict the situation, so tour operators are actively monitoring developments.

Fomenko added: “Nevertheless, tourist flow continues, planes are flying, and no state of emergency has been declared.”

Albania News Agency


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